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Good God + The Christian Left + Woke Jesus + Helping Millennials Thrive

Good God + The Christian Left + Woke Jesus + Helping Millennials Thrive

Regular price $69.00 USD
Regular price $78.00 USD Sale price $69.00 USD
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Good God | The One We Want to Believe In but Are Afraid to Embrace

Let's face it, God has a bad reputation. If a child dies, we say God took him because he needed another angel in heaven. If a hurricane strikes, we say God sent it because of the sinfulness of the region. If a person loses his job or gets cancer, we say God is trying to teach him something.

How many times have you or others you know spoken these words: "God might not have caused it, but he allowed it?"

Religion has painted a picture of God as one who has the power to stop evil, but for reasons too high for us to understand, allows tragedies in our lives to teach us a lesson.

What if you discovered that none of that was true, and that the Bible in fact teaches the complete opposite?

Good God unpacks our misguided concepts of God so that we can begin to see Him as he truly is -- pure, loving, and completely good.

If you've wondered if God is testing you -- or perhaps worse, punishing you, you are not alone.

Most of us want to believe that God is good, but we cannot find a way to harmonize God's goodness with the evil that exists in this world.

Good God introduces the God that we all want to believe in, but have been too afraid to embrace. Uncover the lost and forgotten nature of the Creator of the Universe and discover a real relationship with a supremely good God.


The Christian Left | How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church

The church has been invaded.

The Christian Left unveils how liberal thought has entered America’s sanctuaries, exchanging the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for the trinity of diversity, acceptance, and social justice. This in-depth look at church history, world politics, and pop culture masterfully exposes the rise and agenda of the Christian Left.

Readers will learn how to:

  • Identify and refute the lies of the Christian Left
  • Uncover the meaning of love as Jesus defined it
  • Navigate controversial subjects such as abortion, gender identity, and the doctrine of hell
  • Gain confidence in upholding biblical values
  • Come face-to-face with the person of Jesus, who is neither left nor right but the embodiment of truth and grace

Be equipped with a strong understanding of issues facing the church today and empowered to elevate God’s truth, justice, and wisdom.

Woke Jesus | The False Messiah Destroying Christianity

Today’s social justice movements call for equality, civil rights, love . . . solid Christian values, right? What if there is more to social justice than Christians understand? Even worse: What if we have been duped into preaching ideas that actually oppose the Kingdom of God?

Woke Jesus uncovers the real dangers to Christianity and America from the Christian Left, Progressive or Woke Christianity. These radical alternatives abandon traditional biblical interpretations regarding marriage, gender, racial equality, justice, original sin, heaven and hell, and salvation, replacing them within a new fabricated morality. This fabrication is built around political correctness, cancel culture, hedonistic values, obsession with public health, allegiance to the leftist state, universalism, and virtue signaling.

Author Lucas Miles— a pastor and trusted voice in the American church who has consistently addressed some of the most challenging topics in religion—not only outlines how the radical left wing is co-opting Jesus for their own anti-religious views, but also provides a call to action for Christians to resist the siren song of social justice and Wokeism. Rather than ignoring the problems within the church, Miles shows Christians how to grow in the truth of God’s word by expanding their understanding of solid orthodox theology. 

The church’s best days are still ahead!


Helping Millennials Thrive | Practical Wisdom for a Generation in Crisis

Helping Millennials Thrive is a truly unique resource that identifies key challenges facing the Millennial Generation and offers practical wisdom for helping them thrive. The first part features groundbreaking research from author George Barna from Millennials in America, a national study showing that Millennials are facing four significant crises when it comes to relationships, mental health, meaning and purpose, and faith.

These heartbreaking findings demand compassion-and action. This new book from Arizona Christian University Press also brings together national experts and key ministry leaders, sharing insights and strategies for engaging with the next generation. With contributions from Ché Ahn (Harvest Rock Church, Pasadena, CA), Samuel Rodriguez (National Hispanic Leadership Conference), Raleigh Washington (Awakening the Voice of Truth), Ken Sande (Peacemaker Ministries and Relational Wisdom 360), Jason Jimenez (Stand Strong Ministries), Jeffery Phillips (Biblical Studies and Theology Professor, Arizona Christian University), Garry Ingraham (Love & Truth Network), John Jackson (President, William Jessup University), Isaac Crockett (Stand in the Gap Media), Lucas Miles (National Radio Host and Author), and JoAnna Dias (Gracious Gift Ministries).

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